Claire Law
Counselling in Preston
Therapy Blog
Here you’ll find a whole selection of free articles relating to anxiety, grief, burnout, healing from childhood trauma, neurdivergence and other therapy related topics. I write all my own blogs and share these for your benefit. My hope is you’ll find something of use here.
Why do I Procrastinate?
Are you someone who puts off till tomorrow what could be done today? Most of us procrastinate. In this blog, we look at why people procrastinate and consider the impacts of procrastination, as well as tips to reduce your tendency to procrastinate.
Work-Related Stress and Anxiety
This blog looks at the ways work can impact our sense of wellbeing, and how work-related stress and anxiety can steal our serenity. We will also consider some practical self-help strategies that can support your psychological health if you feel impacted by work-related stress and anxiety.
The Psychology of Panic Buying
Many people come to counselling to look at their relationship with anxiety and panic. In this blog we consider what can we learn about panic, anxiety and panic attacks from the phenomenon of panic-buying. How can we remain calm and grounded in the face of reports of panic buying?
Preventing Burnout
In this blog we adopt the adage of “prevention is better than cure”, exploring how self-care can help safeguard against burnout.
Recovering from Burnout
Stress and burnout lead many people to seek counselling. In this blog, we explore practical self-help strategies to help you recover from stress and burnout.
What is Burnout?
Whilst it might be possible to cope with stress in the short term, over the long term, we’re at serious risk of burnout. In this first blog in a series of posts, we’ll look at what burnout is, who it affects and what the signs and symptoms of burnout involve.