Claire Law
Counselling in Preston
Therapy Blog
Here you’ll find a whole selection of free articles relating to anxiety, grief, burnout, healing from childhood trauma, neurdivergence and other therapy related topics. I write all my own blogs and share these for your benefit. My hope is you’ll find something of use here.
No-fuss anxiety tips #8
If you are someone who says “but"…” lots, you might like to try changing your “but” to an “and”. This blog explores how the word “and” is a powerful force for self-acceptance and managing anxiety,.
No-fuss anxiety tips #7
How setting aside specific time for worrying can help to put boundaries around your anxiety
No-fuss anxiety tips #6
A brief look at how paying attention to you ANS (autonomic nervous system) can help you to manage anxiety
No-fuss anxiety tips #5
A look at how accepting yourself as “good enough” can help you to manage anxiety
No-fuss anxiety tips #4
How does physical activity help manage anxiety? This blog takes a brief overview of how exercise can help manage anxiety.
No-fuss anxiety tips #3
A look at how being kind and practicing self-compassion helps manage anxiety.