No-fuss anxiety tips #8

Use the power of “and….”

Welcome to blog number eight in this series on anxiety, made up of 20-short articles with simple tips and techniques for managing anxiety. These strategies are designed to give you a greater sense of being in the driving seat, rather than feeling like anxiety has the steering wheel of your life. Each tip draws upon therapeutic thinking from a range of psychological and psychotherapy theories and is presented in a quick-read, no-fuss format.

What these tips won’t do is explore the origins and purpose of anxiety for you – this type of deeper exploration is what therapy offers.  That said, having strategies for managing anxiety is a great place to start.  Each article is designed to be quick read, no-fuss. So, let’s get into technique number five: use the power of “and….”.


A small word that makes a big difference

Words matter. That’s true for the words people say to us, and it’s also true for the words we use to speak to and about ourselves. Try setting an intention today to watch your words, and gain a greater awareness of your self-talk. How often do you use the word “but” when referring to your own experience of yourself and the world?  It’s only a small word, yet the word “but” can reinforce self-doubt and self-criticism. A simple and effective way to feel more positive about our own capacities and abilities to manage anxiety is to replace the word “but” with the word “and”.

Try “and” out instead of “but”.

This simple substitution help you feel more positive about your own capacities and abilities to manage anxiety.

Take this sentence as an example: “I’m capable at my job, but I feel anxiety sometimes”.  Notice how you feel as you say this sentence.

Now try very similar yet crucially different sentence: “I’m capable at my job, and I feel anxiety sometimes”.  Again, notice how you feel as you try this sentence out for size. In this second example, the beginning statement is not diluted or minimised through the word “but”. “And” can change the dynamic of the sentence so you integrate both realities – accepting your experience of anxiety as valid without shrinking or making light of your strengths.  

Today, try changing the word “but” for “and” to see if your anxiety levels are impacted as a result. 

If you are keen to break free from anxiety, then look out for more blogs within this anxiety-themed series.  And, if you’d like to talk through how counselling can help you with a deeper exploration of your anxiety, do make contact with me, Claire Law. We can talk through how online counselling or face-to-face counselling at my therapy room in Preston can help manage your anxiety. 


No-fuss anxiety tips #9


No-fuss anxiety tips #7